Being accessible is important to us.
To that end, Stern Cohen is committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of all people including those with disabilities.
Our responsibility to uphold a customer service standard in accordance with the Ministry of Labour’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and its subset, the AODA Customer Service Standard, includes the following:
Education and Training: Stern Cohen ensures that all recommended training on the provision of services to individuals with disabilities is completed by all partners and team members. Our firm’s education includes coverage of the legislation and the AODA Customer Service Standard as well as Stern Cohen’s policies, practices, and procedures relating to the customer service standard.
Communications: Guidance and training on communicating clearly to persons with various types of disabilities, including needs determination, how to interact with persons requiring the use of assistive devices and providing information in accessible and alternative formats.
Use of Service Animals: We are committed to welcoming persons with disabilities who require accompaniment by a service animal on our premises. We will also ensure that our team members are properly trained in how to interact with persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal.
Support Persons: We are committed to welcoming persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person.
Service Disruption Notification: Stern Cohen is committed to providing regular updates on any service disruptions. We will provide all customers including those customers who are persons with disabilities, with a notice of service disruption (temporary or extended), noting information on the service disruption, the reason for the disruption, its estimated duration, and any alternative action such as a change to services, locations, or facilities.
Customer Feedback:
If you wish to discuss an aspect of our service, we encourage you to complete a customer feedback form which is available by:
- Visiting reception in person during office hours
- Sending an email to our AODA Task Force care of [email protected]
- Reaching our reception by telephone at 416-967-5100 x101 or by facsimile to 416-967-4372.
- Our Online Customer Feedback Form is available on this link:
- A fillable PDF version is available on this link.
- Or writing to:
AODA Task Force
Stern Cohen LLP
45 St. Clair Avenue West, 14th Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 1L3
Any forms should be submitted to the attention of the AODA Task Force and a response can be expected within 15 business days.
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